Bulengo general + portraits

Jaqueline, 72, in Bulengo IDP camp near Goma, North Kivu: She lives here with two of her grandchildren – their parents were killed in the late 2000s, near Bukavu. She has an injured leg and spine when she fell from a bridge near Bukavu.

‘It’s very difficult to live here. We haven+t received any help at all. We have nothing. People spend the whole day searching for vegetables. If someone takes pity on us, they can give us a bit of ‘fou-fou’ or some beans. My grandchildren were sent away from school because we have no money for the school fees. We don’t even have money for soap, to wash clothes. It’s only if someone gives us a few francs that we can buy some soap. I can’t cultivate with my injuries, I can’t even carry a jerrycan of water…